Our Church Ministries

Through Involvement | Through the Arts & Music |
With Adults | With Children and Youth | Through Worship |
Through Fellowship | Through Outreach

  Ministry Through Involvement

Service to the church and its mission can take many forms. Giving of one's time and talent by serving with boards and committees, teaching Sunday school, helping in the church office, and assisting with groups and special events are just some of the opportunities for people in our fellowship to be involved.

This participation in the Church's mission and operation can give many rewards: new friends, opportunities for growth, and the joy of knowing that you are making a positive difference.

Come join us in worshipping, caring, serving, growing, and enjoying! New members are always welcome.

  Ministry Through the Arts & Music

First Parish Church Choir

The First Parish Church Choir presents music for our morning worship service.

  Ministry With Adults

Our Church encourages adults to continue growing spiritually as they apply their faith everyday.  We believe in the relevance of the Bible for Christian living without the need to interpret it literally.

Spaghetti suppers frequently complement other events and programs, and have been found to be stimulating, enjoyable times for Church members and friends.

Other programs on family relationships, personal maturation, and spiritual growth and transformation are available throughout the year.

  Ministry With Children and Youth

Children of all ages are welcomed into our Christian fellowship where trusting relationships are developed through the loving care of our teachers.  Infant and toddler care is provided during worship services and during special events.  The children go to Sunday school where they learn about the Bible and the Christian faith through active involvement including games, crafts, drama, and music.  They also participate in services especially designed for children.  

  Ministry Through Worship

The pastor and congregation provide a Sunday morning worship celebration held weekly at 10:00 AM (9:30am throughout the summer) in our Sanctuary. The First Parish Choir brings musical inspiration and added energy to our morning worship. Opportunity is given each Sunday for worshippers to share Joys and Concerns to be included in the morning's prayer.  Each Sunday sermon is based on Scripture and brings worshippers spiritual insights for living a Christian life in today's complex world.

Worship for All Ages, specially planned to include the church school children, takes place at various times each year at the regular worship hour. On most Sundays, children participate in a Children's Message before leaving worship for Christian Education classes.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, and the Sacrament of Baptism is joyfully administered to infants and adults as requested.  Weddings, Renewal of Vows,  Funerals, and Memorial Services also take place in our Sanctuary.  These services are available for people from our community as well as church members.  Special worship opportunities are held throughout the year.

  Ministry Through Fellowship

A rich variety of programs is offered for the social life of church members and friends.  The Fellowship Hour is held in Fellowship Hall following the morning worship service.  Light refreshments are served, and periodically, arts and crafts exhibits, or other displays of interest, add sparkle to the friendly conversation time.

Spaghetti suppers are organized on the 4th Saturday of most months [excluding December, June, July, and August] and are served from 4:00 to 6:00pm  Cost: Adults $7, Children 3-12 is $3.50, and Children under 3 eat Free!

An All-Church Camp is a spirit-filled experience for all ages. Families with children, and singles, as well as couples, share in the fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth, with the beauty of the location adding to the significance of the weekend.

Other fellowship activities, such as Christmas caroling, Holly Daze Fair, Church Yard Sale, and other special events are held throughout the year. These are publicized in our church newsletter, "First Parish News." Other groups start spontaneously, reflecting a current need of church members.

  Ministry Through Outreach

The mission of the First Congregational Church is expressed in many forms as we share the good news of Jesus Christ. As a congregation, we regularly support others in our community, as well as throughout the world, in giving time, talent, and treasure: